Manure Spreader Beater Paddles

The Best Manure Spreader Beater Paddles

Conestoga Manure Spreaders makes some of the very best manure spreader beater paddles on the market today. We equip all of our manure spreaders with rooster comb beater paddles that are sharp and aggressive. Manure spreader beater paddles serve 2 main purposes, they break up the manure you have to spread and they are responsible for spreading your manure evenly. Conestoga has taken the time to develop beater paddles that are the best on the market and spread your manure evenly.
Why Are Conestoga Manure Spreader Beater Paddles Better?

Every Conestoga manure spreader comes with 12 rooster comb-style manure spreader beater paddles. Each paddle is individually bolted onto the main beater bar. This means you can easily remove a damaged or broken spreader paddle and install a replacement. You will never have to replace the entire bar over a broken or damaged paddle.
Another important feature is that Conestoga has designed our manure spreader beater paddles to spread manure as evenly as possible. You will find the same design on every manure spreader, 6 of the beater paddles are tilted slightly to the left, and 6 are tilted slightly to the right. This ensures the best dispersion of your manure.
Manure Spreader Beater Paddles On Small Manure Spreaders

Conestoga Manufacturing has a few manure spreaders that would be considered “small manure spreaders”, also commonly labeled as ATV manure spreaders or compact manure spreaders. Conestoga has two ground-driven manure spreaders the CM-25 and the CM-50. The special thing about these two ground-driven manure spreaders and their manure spreader beater paddle configurations is that they come standard with a top beater bar. For the larger PTO manure spreaders, this is an optional upgrade. You can see how nicely the top beater bar compliments the rooster comb manure spreader paddles on these smaller models.

Do All Manure Spreaders Need A Top Beater Bar?

The short answer is no, not all manure spreaders need a top beater bar. Top beater bars or shredder bars are helpful and sometimes necessary if you have very heavily pen-packed manure to spread. For the average farmer or horse enthusiast just spreading loose to moderately packed manure, you should be fine without adding a top beater bar to your manure spreader.
Manure Spreader Beater Paddles On Mid-Sized Manure Spreaders

Conestoga offers two mid-sized manure spreader models that both operate off of a PTO spreader drive instead of a ground drive. The C-50 PTO and the C-80 PTO are great spreaders that Conestoga customers love. Both of these spreaders come standardly equipped with 12 rooster comb-style manure spreader beater paddles. You can see that as the spreader models get larger in size, the beater paddles do as well. You can easily loosen the bolts of any individual beater paddle and replace it if it grows dull or becomes damaged in some way.

Manure Spreader Beater Paddles On Large Manure Spreaders

You can easily see how gnarly and aggressive the 12 rooster comb manure spreader beater paddles are on Conestoga Manufacturing’s largest manure spreader models the C-125 PTO and the C-175 PTO. We know that if you need a manure spreader in this size category then you have a big job to do and you need big, aggressive spreader paddles to get it done right. There’s no question that these rooster comb beater paddles will shred any manure you can put through them.