Need a New Manure Spreader — What Size is Best?
Need a New Manure Spreader — What Size is Best? Whether you’re running a small farm, happen to be a horse enthusiast, or running a business boarding horses, manure spreading is a big part of what you do. The question…
What is a PTO Manure Spreader?
What is a PTO Manure Spreader? Are you looking for the right manure spreader for your specific needs? Conestoga Manure Spreaders can help you decide. We can also help answer a question that many first-time buyers ask: What exactly is…
Manure Spreader Maintenance
Manure Spreader Maintenance Manure Spreader Maintenance 4 Important Tips For Maintaining Your Spreader It’s a manure spreader, it’s meant to be outside – how much maintenance does it require? That’s a natural question and one we hear frequently at Conestoga Manufacturing. The…
Small Spreaders – Off the Shelf or Customized?
Small Spreaders – Off the Shelf or Customized? For many horse enthusiasts and small farms purchase one, maybe two, manure spreaders in a lifetime. Purchasing a compact manure spreader is an investment and you expect yours to last. That means…
Do Manure Spreaders with COR-TEN® Steel Last Longer Than Those Without?
Do Manure Spreaders with COR-TEN® Steel Last Longer Than Those Without? Yes! COR-TEN® steel, the brand used on Conestoga Manure Spreaders, is weathering steel developed specifically to help steel increase resistance to atmospheric corrosion. Conestoga Manure Spreaders use COR-TEN® Steel to extend…
Manure Spreader Beater Paddles
Manure Spreader Beater Paddles The Best Manure Spreader Beater Paddles Conestoga Manure Spreaders makes some of the very best manure spreader beater paddles on the market today. We equip all of our manure spreaders with rooster comb beater paddles that are sharp and aggressive. Manure spreader…
7 Questions Before You Buy A Manure Spreader
7 questions to ask if you want the best manure spreader available! 7 questions before you buy a manure spreader: When you are getting ready to purchase a manure spreader, there are 7 important things you will want to consider before…
Introducing the C-175 PTO Manure Spreader
Introducing the C-175 PTO Manure Spreader Conestoga Manure Spreaders is proud to announce the addition of the C-175 PTO Manure spreader to our lineup! The C-175 PTO is our largest unit and features a capacity of 115 cubic feet. With the addition…
Video Guide to Lubrication & Adjustments on your Conestoga Spreader
Video Guide to Lubrication & Adjustments on your Conestoga Spreader Here is another great video showing you how to keep your Conestoga Manure Spreader properly maintained and running for years to come! In this video we show you the most…
Video Guide to Adjusting the Chain on a Conestoga Manure Spreader
Video Guide to Adjusting the Chain on a Conestoga Manure Spreader We have a brand new video, showing how to perform a chain adjustment on your Conestoga Manure Spreader. We will be continuing to add video content to show off…